Best wig

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

What is human remy hair

What is human  remy hair

Remy hair is said to be the best type of hair extensions available.
It is the preferred choice for wigs and hairpieces because of its appealing qualities. It is also referred to as cuticle hair, virgin hair and raw hair.
Real remy hair.
remy hair natural cuticle
The remy hair is in its virgin condition.
The remy hair is in its virgin condition. It has an extraordinary silky and soft quality since it has never been exposed to harsh chemical treatments.This remy hair is specially processed to ensure all the cuticle layers are facing in the same direction from root to end, and therefore does not tangle. This ensures the hair behaves exactly like your own hair, blending in superbly and looking perfectly natural.
remy hair damages cuticle
The cuticle layer protects the hair
The cuticle layer protects the hair from harsh environmental conditions, which keeps the hair shiny and resilient to damage. Remy hair is soft to touch and retains its vitality and elasticity, so the hair will never matt and always looks healthy and full of lustre.

Human remy hair structure (the cuticle)
Human remy hair structure (the cuticle) hair is made of different layers. The outer layer, called the "cuticle", is made up of overlapping layers of long cells. They lie on the surface aligned in the same direction like the tiles on a roofwith their free edges directed towards the tip. The cuticle locks in essential moisture and protects the hair against outside elements. A healthy cuticle is much more than just a protective layer. Much of the shine is due to the cuticle, light reflects from their glossy surfaces. This, together with the pigment within the cortex, gives hair its characteristic appearance. Hair without cuticle would appear dull and lifeless, it would dry out and become brittle.
best remy hairMain types of human remy hair
There are three main types of human remy hair used in hair replacement systems - Chinese remy hair, Indian remy hair and European remy hair.
best remy european hair
European human remy hair

European human remy hair does not necessarily come from Europe. It is a group name for different hair with an almost similar structure. Indian hair, Latin American hair, European hair, the only exemptions are Asian hair and African hair (their structure is very different). Typical European human hair is relatively thin and has an oval cross-section. This is a popular hair type for a human hair extension.
best remy chinese hair
Chinese human remy hair
Asian hair (mostly Chinese hair) is very often used for human hair extensions. This hair is thicker than European hair and has a round cross-section. It is dark black. To prepare this hair for use in hair extensions it is usually made thinner (acid bath) and lighter.This hair is less expensive.
best remy indian hair
Indian human remy hair
Indian hair has a very similar basic structure as European hair. In general this hair type is of a very high quality. However the method of collection is very essential. When different types of hair are mixed with cuticles aligned in different directions this hair becomes of a much less quality and therefore less expensive. To prevent tangling the cuticles must be removed and the hair is covered by silicon. Hair companies in Korea and Indonesia are specialized in this type of hair. Collected in the right way with all the cuticles present and in the same direction this hair is one of the best hair types available for use in a human hair extension.
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